Once Upon a Mattress a Success!


The cast, crew, and directors of this spring’s Once Upon a Mattress ended their successful run on Saturday, April 6th. They performed Wednesday-Saturday, April 3-6, and they had phenomenal attendance and positive comments. Director Anne Wotherspoon remarked, “the students put 9 weeks of hard work into the musical, learning lines, songs, and choreography and building the set and props. I have a front-row seat to how their hard work has paid off!”

The show featured 45 talented thespians and crew members grades 9-12. Senior Jenna Kenworthy, who played the icy Queen Aggravain, described the musical as “new [and] fresh.” She went on to say, “I would also consider it surprising. It is nothing like I ever would have expected it to be.” Senior Logan Tufte, who played Prince Dauntless the Drab, reflected that he loved the “high energetic vibe” that the musical brought. And finally, Senior Nancy Fernandez commented that she enjoyed the whole run, saying, “I liked that I got to act with my best friend playing best friends in the play.”

Thanks to all those who came and supported the show!