Citizens of the Year Award


At their annual picnic, the Dodge Center Lions Club presented the Citizens of the Year award to Wendy and David Kenworthy. The two of them have been very active volunteers in the Dodge Center area for many years.

They are a couple for whom being involved in and supporting their community is a calling. They share a spirit of giving that embodies the idea of Citizen of the Year.

The two of them have been involved in many of the same activities including: the Dodge Center Fire Department (David as former Chief); Dodge Center Ambulance Service; First Congregational Church of Dodge Center; Triton FFA and Triton Senior Boards. Individually, David has volunteered in scouting and basketball and currently serves in the important role of Dodge County Commissioner. Wendy served on the Dodge Center Library board and is currently Treasurer of the Triton School Board.

Congratulations, Dave and Wendy!