This year the weekend of August 2nd through 4th will be the annual Hogfest celebration in Claremont. On Friday August 2nd the festivities will kick off at 5pm when the beer garden and food vendors open. The outhouse races begin at 5pm as well. At 6pm the garden tractor pulls begin and the first clues of the medallion hunt and kid's scavenger hunt are announced. The street dance starts at 8pm and will continue until midnight. The food trucks close at 11pm.
On Saturday breakfast burritos and a bake sale will be available from 8 to 11am at the Pavilion. At 9am the antique tractor pull starts and coffee and rolls will be served at the venue. The vendor market will be open from 9am to 5pm. At 10am the beer sales will start. At 10am the kids can find coins in the sand enjoy a petting zoo until 2pm. There will be face painting from 11am to 3pm, a silent auction from 11am to 4pm and food vendors from 11am to 11pm on Saturday. At noon a bean bag tournament will start and a free gaming trailer open from 2 to 6pm.
At 3pm Saturday there will be competition at the mud bogs and a sweet corn and pork feed from 4 to 7pm. Horse races begin at 5pm, 6pm is the kids pedal pull and silent auction winners announced at 6pm. A foam party for kids will be held between 6 and 7pm. A street dance featuring the Dad's starts at 7pm.
On Sunday August 4th a pancake breakfast is served at the Claremont American Legion from 8am to noon. A car/bike and antique tractor show begins at 8am with the Rockin' Hepcats preforming from 8:30 to 11:30am. Food trucks and the vendor market will be open from 9am to 2pm. Beer sales are open from 10am to 2pm and there will be a bald eagle encounter at noon. The parade starts at 1:30pm and the Fireman's water fight follows the parade.