Cobra Communications


2025 is here, and it is hard to believe how quickly the school year is going. The end of the semester marks the halfway point for the school year. It is also getting closer to the end of my career here at Triton. I have been blessed to have had such a great place to work since the fall of 1993 when I came to town as a junior high physical education and health teacher. One of my favorite memories from early on at Triton was the success of the football program. The team only lost 2 games in my first three years. The first year we lost to ZM in the state quarter final game in the pouring rain in which ZM was allowed 5 downs and the home field advantage with some questionable clock work that extended the quarter that allowed them to score just before the half. The following year Cobras were undefeated and won the first state title for Triton in the fall of 1994. Working with coach Henderson was incredible and I was inspired how advanced and sophisticated his approach to studying the opponent was, and his unbelievable knack for creating offensive plays designed to take advantage of weaknesses he would find watching tape of the opposing team.. It was great to be a part of that program. Those were some great times and I remember thinking how magical it was and what a supportive and amazing community I found myself becoming a part of. I was hooked on Triton and couldn’t believe how lucky I was to be a part of such a great school that had just officially became a district the year before.

I came to the district at a time when three communities were in the process of coming together and learning to work out the kinks of consolidating three districts into one. It was definitely a transitional time for the district when a number of difficult descisions needed to be made. I know there were hurt feelings and the adjustments were not easy for everyone. For me though, it was all new and all of it was exciting and I was just happy to have a job in a district that I enjoyed. It was difficult getting released every year my first three years not knowing for sure if I was going to have a job in the fall, but thankfully I did and it all worked out. I was able to work with some great people over the years at Triton, and now I find myself as one of less than a handful of people that were here when I started. The gravel drive outside of the district office is now paved and so many things have changed with our facilities. It is hard to believe how many things have changed, but the thing that hasn’t changed is the great people in our communities.

There have been numerous changes to our educational system over the years. I will not miss trying to do more with less. Every year it seems like the legislators come up with ideas on how they are going to make education better passing mandates, many of those underfunded, or not funded at all. Educators continue to ask for money that allows them to do what works best for their district, but they keep passing rules that apply to everyone and treat us all the same. Schools continue to rely on their communities for support. I don’t think there is a problem in education, I think the problems continue to come from the capital that make it difficult to do our job. I once said we just need to do what is best for kids and was surprised and corrected by a wise colleague that said, NO…we will just do the best we can afford, because if we were doing what was best, we would be properly funding schools. I realize this may sound like a broken record from the school’s standpoint, but I am proud of the way we have continually done our best with what we have and created an amazing opportunity for our students. I believe this is due to the great and dedicated staff that have, and continue to work here, and I am grateful to be associated with such amazing people.

I am looking forward to the next phase of my career, and know that I will continue to work, but look forward to helping in a different way and in a new capacity. I look forward to finding a way to help and serve others and will always be grateful for the opportunities that I have had here at Triton.

Please reach out to me with any questions you may have regarding our school district. You can email me at or call me at 507-418-7530 to reach me at the district office. I would be happy to set up a time to meet with you or your organization. Communication is an important part of my job responsibility, and I welcome the opportunity to gain insight from your perspective.

Go Cobras!
